Past events
Goal Ball, 7th February 2015. 12 until 2pm
M Shed, Bristol, Saturday 24th January 2015.
The Roman Baths, Bath. Saturday 18th April 2015. £15
6th December 2014. Christmas Fayre, The Winter Gardens, Weston-super-Mare. 10-3pm.This is a fund raising event for EnergEyes and all offers of help would be much appreciated. We will be setting up from 9am.
4th December 2014 Christmas Party
22nd November 2014. Race Night, The Regency Inn, Weston-super-Mare. 8pm. This is a "fun" fund raising event for EnergEyes. No food provided for this event.
15th November 2014. SS Great Britain, Bristol, £10. Packed lunch.
12th November 2014. Quiz, The York Hotel, Weston 7pm. £5 for meal.
30th October 2014, Annual General Meeting, The Regency Inn, 22-24 Lower Church Road, W-s-M, BS23 2AG
24th October 2014. Steam Train from Bishops Lydeard to Minehead. £10 per person. This is a British Legion Commemorative event to mark the beginning of WW1. Transport to and from the event provided, trains and buses. FULL
23rd October 2014. Skittles, The Regency Inn, Weston-super-Mare. 7pm. £5 for meal.
Basket Weaving, RNIB, Bristol. Every Tuesday 2pm until 4pm. £2 per session.
19th October 2014. Sensational Sixties Experience, The Playhouse, Weston-super-Mare, 7.30 pm, 11 seats booked.
The Magic of Motown, Friday 10th October 2014 7.30 pm Bristol Hippodrome. £10 for members. This event is subsidised by EnergEyes. Transport provided
Weston-super-Mare Sand Sculptures Monday 6th October 2014. Entrance fee £3. 10am until noon. Meet by entrance on Weston sea front.
Barnum, Saturday 27th September 2014 2.30 pm Bristol Hippodrome £15 for members.This event is subsidised by EnergEyes.
@bristol. 20th September 2014. An interactive, hands-on experience. Using buses to Bristol. Packed lunch.
Saturday 6th September 2014 12noon until 4pm. Tea and Cake event.
Darts, The Regency Inn, Weston-super-Mare. 4th September 2014. 7pm. £5 for meal. Please note this is a THURSDAY.
Let's Hang On, Frankie Vallie and The Four Seasons, Saturday 30th August 2013 Playhouse, Weston-super-Mare £10 each.
Day Barge Trip, Bath along the Kennet & Avon Canal. Wednesday 20th August 2014
Canoeing and Archery at Hewish. Friday 15th August 2014.
9th August 2014 Cheddar Gorge and caves plus audio described bus tour of the gorge. Transport provided
6th August 2014 Sea Front bucket collection - fund raising event - members and volunteers needed please. 10am until 5pm
23rd July 2014 Quiz, The York Hotel, Weston-super-Mare 7pm £5 for food
Canoeing, 23rd July 2014 Hewish near Weston-super-Mare
19th July 2014 St Fagans, The National Museum of Wales - over the bridge and into Wales. You don't need your passport! Transport provided.
12th July 2014 Race Night, The Regency Inn, Lower Church Road, Weston-super-Mare 8pm
9th July 2014 Skittles, The Regency Inn, Lower Church Road, Weston-super-Mare 7pm £5 for meal
21st June 2014 Longleat Safari Park, Longleat, Wiltshire. £10, Transport provided
14th June 2014 Annual Barn Dance, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Hall, Milton, Weston-super-Mare BS22 8HQ 7.30 until 10.30 pm
11th June 2014 Quiz, The York Hotel, Weston-super-Mare 7pm £5 for food
The Calvert Trust visit 26th May to 30th May 2014
Calvert Trust, Exmoor 26th to 30th May 2014
21st May 2014 Skittles, The Regency Inn, Lower Church Road, Weston-super-Mare 7pm £5 for food
17th May 2014 A visit to Weston-super-Mare Fire Station, Milton Avenue. Bus if able otherwise transport arranged.
7th May 2014 Quiz, The York Hotel, Weston-super-Mare 7pm start £5 for meal
Saturday 3rd May 2014. Bird of Prey Experience at Banwell Castle. £10 per person
Birds of Prey, Saturday 3rd May 2014 Banwell Castle, 10 am to 11.30 am including a cream tea
23rd April 2014 Skittles, The Regency Inn, Lower Bristol Road, Weston-super-Mare 7pm start £5 for meal
23rd April 2014 Skittles, The Regency Inn, Lower Bristol Road, Weston-super-Mare 7pm £5 for meal
Saturday 12th April 2014 The Bohemians, Queen music, The Playhouse, Weston-super-Mare 7.30 pm £10
29th March 2014 Let's Hang On, Frankie Vallie and The Four Seasons tribute night, The Playhouse, Weston-super-Mare 7.30pm £10
Wednesday 19th March 2014 Quiz, The York Hotel, Weston-super-Mare 7pm £5 for meal
Swimming at Our Pool, Wrington. Every Monday 1.15 pm until 2.15 pm.
Thursday 27th February 2014 Abamania, The Playhouse, Weston-super-Mare 7.30 pm £10
Wednesday 5th February 2014 Skittles, The Regency Inn, Weston-super-Mare 7pm £5 for meal
Wednesday15th January 2014 Quiz, The York Hotel, Weston-super-Mare 7 pm £5 for meal