Calvert Trust Activity Holiday, 17th April 2012

These photos were taken at Calvert Trust Exmoor.

EnergEyes group preparing to climb the wallEnergEyes group preparing to climb the wall

Andrew and JamesAndrew and James



Aileen up the wallAileen up the wall



James going up!James going up!

Spud climbing the wallSpud climbing the wall

Russ, Alan and AndrewRuss, Alan and Andrew

Russ collapsingRuss collapsing

Aileen climbing the wallAileen climbing the wall

Aileen and Sarah, instructorAileen and Sophie, instructor

Warren, Andrew and Alan, instructorWarren, Andrew and Alan, instructor

James coming downJames coming down

Rob coming down from ringing the bellRob coming down from ringing the bell

Rob preparing the hoist with Russ and SarahRob preparing the hoist with Russ and SophiePaulPaul

Warren ringing the bellWarren ringing the bell

Warren and SarahWarren and SophieAileenAileen



Russ ringing the bell!Russ ringing the bell!

Russ. One handed!Russ. One handed!

Russ and SarahRuss and SophieAndrewAndrew

Russ in disguise, about to canoeRuss in disguise, about to canoe

Russ - it was very cold!Russ – it was very cold!



Tony, James's dadTony, James’s dad



Walk back up hill to the zip wireWalk back up hill to the zip wire

Rob and Sarah and AlanRob and Sophie and Alan


Aileen, hating it!Aileen, hating it!


Paul swinging and Simon taking photoPaul swinging and Simon taking photo

Sarah, James and AlanSophie, James and Alan

James and AlanJames and Alan

James and Alan near the bottomJames and Alan near the bottom

Sarah, Spud and AileenSophie, Spud and Aileen

Nearly there!Nearly there!

Nick and PaulNick and Paul

Paul and Nick nearly there!Paul and Nick nearly there!



Aileen, James and SpudAileen, James and Spud

Rob, Spud and AlanRob, Spud and Alan

Paul Smart and Andrew Lindell abseiling at The Calvert Trust, ExmoorPaul Smart and Andrew Lindell abseiling at The Calvert Trust, Exmoor

Rob HammondRob Hammond


Paul and AlanPaul and Alan

Target we were aiming atTarget we were aiming at

Rob and SarahRob and SophieAndrew and SarahAndrew and SophieSimonSimon

Warren and SarahWarren and SophieSpud and AlanSpud and Alan


Russ again!Russ again!

Well then!Well then!

Aileen and AlanAileen and Alan

Warren and SpudWarren and Spud

James looking at the mess!James looking at the mess!

Warren and Andrew on ropes, rest of the gang helpingWarren and Andrew on ropes, rest of the gang helping

Simon and PaulSimon and Paul

Paul and SimonPaul and Simon

Paul and Simon tumbling downPaul and Simon tumbling down

Aileen and RussAileen and Russ

How high can we go!How high can we go!

Russ tumbling downRuss tumbling down

Rob and Alan, being rudeRob and Alan, being rude

Who knocked the crates overWho knocked the crates over?

James and AndrewJames and Andrew

James and Tony watching Aileen and Andrew on the dance floorJames and Tony watching Aileen and Andrew on the dance floor

Andrew and AileenAndrew and Aileen

Aileen, Andrew, Paul, Tony, RobAileen, Andrew, Paul, Tony, Rob

Rob, Paul, Tony, Andrew, AileenRob, Paul, Tony, Andrew, Aileen





Russ and WarrenRuss and Warren

Rob and NickRob and Nick

Warren and RussWarren and Russ
